Thursday, November 25, 2010

Seoul Livin'

Happy Thanksgiving!!  I can't believe we have already been here for 1 month...time has flown by.  We are kinda wishing we were enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with everyone this week, but we aren't missing the snow that Minnesota has been getting.  We will have Thanksgiving with the other teachers from school this weekend, so that should be fun!

There is a lot about North Korea in the news right now, but I honestly have heard much about it here.  I have heard more about it from people back home than I have heard here.  I don't know if that is a good or bad thing, but people here don't seem too worried about it.

Here is what we've been up to lately...

Jeff and playing video games with one of the other teachers.

This is the "Night of Too Much Soju".  The guys singing karaoke at a noreabong.  You just rent out a room and you can sing karaoke with your friends instead of making a fool of yourself on stage.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw this!  A little piece of home right here in Korea.

Out for a coworkers birthday.

So my friend Megan met up with us last Sunday.  She took us to our favorite part of Seoul yet!  It's called Insadong.  There are lots of temples and palaces here to check out.  There are lots of cool shops with handmade souvenirs.

Gifts for Buddha

Then, Megan took us across the street to a neighborhood that had some of the more traditional housing.  There were also TONS of really cute coffee shops.  We went to a cute coffee shop and hung out for a few hours and had some coffee with Baileys!  Yum.

We stopped here for coffee.

I knocked but no one was home.

Some neighborhood streets.

Tigger class!  My kindergartners minus two!  (Tommy is my favorite, he's the one in the very middle with the green shirt)

We also had time to book a trip for our Christmas break!  We are going to Beijing December 27-January 1!  Can't wait to explore another city!

Thats all for now.  Will post more later!   Hope everyone has a great Turkey Day!  Eat extra for us.

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